Originally posted by qmpierre
Which means even though out of the new infections most reported are black males, it could be heavily prelevant in other communities as well. I think more testing could be done if the same stigma associated with Diabetes was associated with HIV. A lot of the fear of being tested is due to the fact of how other people will respond and think of you if you have it. In the gay community, its already hard to get in a strong lasting relationship imagine if you were +. So people don't get tested out of fear of what the answer may hold and just go through life possibly infecting people one by one. Get rid of the Stigma and people will get tested. Hell nowadays HPV is more dangerous than treated HIV.
And that was the point of my original post which was clearly lost on one mod who felt it necessary to further bully, single out and stigmatize black gay people explicitly and more than they already are in the gay and black community.
You single out one group and the other group thinks they are immune. Then when the tables flip as they've done before then what? The bottom line is all groups should be featured in these ads and not just one group to be singled out like the topic of this post.