Originally posted by Javan
Well the fact that it is the only religious "tool" used around the world today to justify and encourage terrorism should tell you something about Islam no? As I've already pointed out Boko haram operate in a Christian majority country, if the goal of religion was to control the masses and justify evil, why not use Christianity? What makes Islam so special?
They operate in mostly Islamic countries, only Cameroon is a mostly Christian country. So I have no clue where you got that from.
Next, using Islam as an example of terrorism is very selective. As there have been acts of terrorism outside of religion. Also, Christianity was used a way to justify evil. But like Islam you can only go so far as it turns into politics or simple human greed. One of the few major wars of religion, the 30 Years War in Europe started as a war of Catholics and Protestants, but it eventually turned into a war of power and land. Again, those countries are mostly Islamic. If you want a good ol' example of using Christianity to justify evil look in your history textbook and read about colonial imperialism and enslavement.
However there is another issue that isn't being talked about. If you really want to know the history of why radicalism is connected to Islam, you should know it was because the United States and other Europeans funded these groups in the first place. Its like giving money to the KKK and helping them overthrow the government. What do you think will happen? If you go back further you'll see many of this stuff didn't happen before the funded groups. ISIS is just a group that wants power.