Why college grads think they are high status in society?
I have a friend who just graduated from college with a teaching degree. After she got a new job as a kinder teacher she started bragging and posting pics of her new class room on insta. I was truly happy for her until she started over doing it and posting more pics to rub it on everyones face. She recently invited me to go clubbing with her as a celebration for her new job but i kindly declined. Why do college students think they are better than someone who is working as a cashier at mcdonalds? They should get no special treatment just because they have a degree in society.
Because they are of a higher (economic) status. College grads usually earn more money in their lives than someone who didn't go to school. Stop being salty and just congratulate your friend sis lol college is hard work
Im not even angry about her dang job or how much shes getting paid but when she starts promoting capitalism and class warfare i deff have a problem. I actually reviewed my thread for a deep 5 min and finally i texted her and told her im cutting ties of our friendship. If she ver asks me why i choose this route i wont hesitate to call her out abt this.
A degree is an accomplishment. Nothing wrong with being a cashier if you enjoy that. Bet getting a degree is def a good accomplishment. It take years of hard work and dedication.