Welcome to The Sleaze, one of the world's
finest news sources. We've been on top of the tabloid game for as long as time itself (We were the ones who broke the Jesus/Pontius Pilate scandal). The time, however, has come for a
new generation of Sleaze. We need another editor, and
you are just what we're looking for.
This game combines pop culture, ATRL traditions, and
WorldStarHipHop creativity. Challenges typically involve something you would see in a tabloid (You aren't writing actual articles). These assignment can range from catching the latest gay rumors in Hollywood
(All of them!)
to the truth behind ATRL's new updates. Some writing and minor photo editing skills will be helpful to the game, but a knowledge and appreciation for pop culture is the sole requirement.
1. Be punctual. Deadlines are to be followed. If your story is juicy enough to warrant an extension, I better get an official request. I reserve the right to grant/deny any extensions.
2. Be good. Here at the Sleaze, we promote only the highest form of journalism. Bad entries aren't fun, and we like to have fun.
3. Be present. There are some challenges here that require a bit of thread participation. The quicker, the better your advantage.
| Jax
We will be granting a limited number of trial periods to get the job as editor. Send us your resume in a Private Message to Citrus
and Jax using the form below.
Applications are due by this Saturday, July 19th at 10:00 pm EST.
What You'd Like to be Called:
Three Favorite Musical Artists:
Now, please answer the questions below. No more than 50 words per response.
1). Why do you want to join The Sleaze?
2). Why do you deserve to join?