I'm jealous that ya'll always get to enjoy Grammy night and Britney stans don't.
Notice: "Ya'll" -- everybody and their ****ing mother gets a nod but Britney.
Jealous that even after a decade in the business and countless achievements certain faves still aren't taken seriously and are considered a joke by the masses?
Jealous that even after a decade in the business and countless achievements certain faves still aren't taken seriously and are considered a joke by the masses?
I'm a huge Britney stan and I always get so jealous when I see other artists love their fans whereas Britney doesn't give a **** about us and only milks us to keep what's left of her dying career alive.
She's sold 14.2 million records this era, so it's obviously still working.
If she didn't care about her fans, she would stop making music, and she would never tour again.