My Top 10
1. United States of America - Definitely one of the most loved/hated countries on the planet. Large amounts of military expenditures and operations across the world have made the US both infamous and famous.
2. People's Republic of China - Their extensive history makes them very well known and seen as a country with rich cultural traditions. Currently, the simple phrase "Made in China" has vaulted the entire nation into a status symbol for producing cheap goods while using cheap labor.
3. Japan - A country known for their technological advancements worldwide. They are also known for their involvement and eventual loss in the second world war.
4. United Kingdom / England - A country known for its extensive imperialist history that has definitely impacted nearly every continent on this planet in one way or another.
5. France - Their rich cultural traditions as well as their long history easily makes the French very iconic. The perception that most Americans have of the country is rather negative which can be seen as very hypocritical when analyzing history.
6. Russian Federation - Seen as the "enemy" to the US during the time of the cold war (Soviet Union) and a powerful superpower. Russia today can be seen very militaristic in nature as well as being distant to European ideals.
7. Germany - Popularized negatively from both WW1 and WW2, Germany has easily become one of the "most known" countries on the planet. Their controversial history during the 20th century can be seen as the sole cause for this.
8. Egypt - A country that gained notoriety worldwide for its extensive history and mostly its ancient history architectural creations such as the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx. Recent events in this decade have also gained the country considerable coverage.
9. Italy - Its long history dating back to the Roman Empire has made the nation iconic today.
10. Uzbekistan -