I thought I was super skinny at 6' 140 pounds, but I'm much more content with my body now that I've gained a bit of weight and turned it into muscle (now I'm about 155 and have more of a "built" figure)
It is I can't gain weight for the life of me but I eat whatever I want in massive amounts and stay cadaverously thin.
It is I can't gain weight for the life of me but I eat whatever I want in massive amounts and stay cadaverously thin.
That's like a blessing. And I guess a curse too..
I can make gains very easy, but I need to watch my eating or I can pack weight on a bit quickly. I never go more than a couple of days without going to the gym out of fear of getting chubby.
Yes, and it's effortless. All of the people who used to mock me for my weight are now fat and ugly, meanwhile, I get paid to walk in circles because I'm thin.
I used to be till my doctor put me on new medicine & i gained like 35 pounds
I like it though, I was one of those skinny h0es that couldn't gain weight, now i look better.