Alright, so I was lying in bed last night and an idea for this game kept running through my head. I kept thinking about it at school, too, and I think you guys might enjoy it!
So, here's what it is. After sign ups, you will randomly be selected into three teams. The red, blue, and yellow (my 3 top fave colors) teams. Each round, each team will receive a PM containing ten different music related things they need to search for, such as song lyrics that contain a certain word or meaning, a video with a certain story or image, or pictures of artists that use a specific color, etc. After all members send in their answers, the teammates will decide which answers work the best, and our lovely panel of four judges (including myself) will decide which answer is the best. At the end of the round, whichever team has the least points will have to decide one person to eliminate. The winning team will receive a bonus point on the next round. The middle team will get nothing, but will not have to eliminate a player.
So, as you can tell, it's kind of like Survivor meets Big Brothers meets The Amazing Race. If you're a little confused, then just sign up and the first round I'll definitely help you guys get through it.
So, now it's time for the sign ups...
1. tcatron565
Team Member*^
*= team members CANNOT be judges
^ = unlimited amount of people can sign up I will end sign ups whenever I feel we reach a good amount of players