Originally posted by MDJD11
I love love love that Andy is reading Kenya and letting her know about herself. Kenya is Brandi 2.0 and I wouldn't be surprised if she's on her last leg.
I think you forget that Brandi's strongest alliance was two sick women
Kenya has Nene/Cynthia/Kandi (even if at arm's length) and Sheree (even if it's just to get on and then try to slay her at her own game when she's a peach holder)...
Brandi destroyed her best ally.
Kenya is serving (I know you are unlikely to return teas and I know you are trying hard to keep your jobs as your royalties have dried up teas).
Delusional yes but she knows that EVERYONE will be talking about her delusion and they might talk about Kandi and Phaedra falling out.
I worried when the tea was that production LOVED kim that Kenya might have bit of more than she can chew because she's obviously jealous of Kim but it appears that the girls don't see it for her as a cast member and we'll just wait for the tea to be confirmed for other things...