Number 1 albums that debut with over 100K sold--and made history while doing it (Ciara ain't doing it)
Number 1 singles on the charts- No Sleeep and soon to be Unbreakable(Ciara ain't doing it)
A worldwide tour that's selling out(can Ciara even tour abroad)
Janet owning her own record label(can Ciara even stay on one)
I mean, you Ci stans are an embarrassment even trying to come for a living legend that your fave is inspired's quite funny when Ciara should be big as she is..but with no creativity, evolution, or anything related to music, she's stuck..just like yall with those tired reads.
I will continue to stan for someone who actually made an impact on the entire entertainment industry..not a pseudo celebrity who couldn't maintain a music career and got pregnant and dumped by a thug.