Originally posted by Gary
I love Katy. I do think Katy is more mature than Taylor. But it's kind of messed up to take away dancers from Taylor's tour when you know they are currently actively performing for Taylor.
The whole "Taylor doesn't own them! They left because they wanted to!" thing isn't an excuse. If Katy knew that they were currently touring with Taylor, that was kinda inconsiderate of her to even ask them to leave Taylor's tour to come to hers. She knew that if they accepted her offer, Taylor would be without dancers and have to scramble to find new ones and teach them the routines/tour details/rehearse/etc.
From the outside some people might not think this was a big deal, but Taylor took it personally. She said that she wanted to be friends with her for a few years, wanted to win her approval, so to have that happen must have hurt her on a personal level.