Human - Scores
10 - YSL
9 - AMIT
8.5 - Rafael.
8.3 - Penk
8 - Mr. Fahrenheit, Kingfisher, Bloomers
7 - conatus, Wonderlust
6.8 - jpow
6 - Blueberry Mary
5 - MellowYellow
4 -
3 - Subomie, Eeveelution
2 -
1 -
0 -
Goldfrapp's third single ever. And their first one to make the UK charts... at 100. Like everything about the first album, this is weird. The Shirley Bassey vocals, the distortion, the scare chords... even on that album, this song stands out as perhaps the weirdest, but most of you seemed to not mind in this rate.
I gotta be honest, this was my preferred choice for the first elimination. It just doesn't do anything for me, the only song off of the debut that I don't use. It feels out of place to me a bit? Like the cabaret sound just stands out among the sleek sound on the rest. It's not awful though. Stunning single cover too.
Best bit: The vocals distorting in the last few seconds. Really, I'm just happy when it ends.