Originally posted by SmokeOnDiamonds
When I was exactly 4 years old. Like 5 kids (both girl and boy) ages 4-12 years old in my neighborhood would expierment with me, like having sex with me. I would just lay there and let them do whatever they want with me since I liked it. I had no idea what was going on at the time.
Do whatchu want, whatchu want with my bodaaay.
Since then, I knew I liked guys and girls at age 4. I watched my first **** movie with my female cousin in 2nd grade. We both expiermented right after. All my crushes in School were both male and female.
you had sex when you were 4?
also, I knew from when I was really young. Fully understood and realized when I was in like 6th grade. It's funny though because my group of friends back then (girls and guys), we would all say we were "bi" I guess as a cool thing, but now we're all gay
one of the guys I found out got sent away because his parents caught him with like a 40 y/o he met from grindr.