Originally posted by Sunderland 4ever
I think you've set a new record for number of rounds surviving from the BTM 3 spots, and based on the last 6 or 7 rounds (I've lost count already), that record will be quite difficult to top.
My #Remmingtons love me too much.
Originally posted by Element
#tbt to when Rem and Legend E said season 6 was a waste because I won
fff, that's because you were still really new and all.
Now I've grown to like you.
Originally posted by Zune
I see no reason to see the last vote came from me. If you think my vote is out of spite, it is not. I just wanted to see the others have a chance at winning this tournament.
I know it wasn't out of spite, but you're not as active in the Games section, and let's be real - this game is mostly dedicated to people strictly in Games. Though there's some people that signed up like Sats that never come anymore, or some like MiMiLamb, Melvin that only join some games, I would've liked if someone more involved in the section would've done it.
But either way, I knew it was definitely my time to go either this round or next because Jone is 80% gonna win, if not him then holyground. They've been slaying so hard, esp. the former.
But I'm definitely rooting for you all.