Originally posted by Blatboy
You do realize that they film at the end of May and start call-backs very early, correct? You can take a seat and be a little more respectful, bar queen
All that means is that she tried out hon. I know the timeline perfectly well. Anyways no one finds out if they are on the show until about a week before filming. They don't have tons of time to get ready. So next time you have some T to spill, maybe clarify first if you don't expect us to come for you.
Also can we talk about how lame it is that they are letting 18 year olds compete. I'm sorry, but I don't want a batch of Serena ChaCha's yapping at me in Season 7. The problem with most queens is that they audition too early, when they need to polish some stuff out to be a decent competitor. Like Adore has charisma and (some) talent, but she is kind of a sh*tty drag queen. And then on the opposite spectrum there is Trinity who has tons of talent and polish seeping out of her pores, but she is still young and kind of insecure and it really shows on the show.