Originally posted by I Am Music
I see your point but what they did is illegal and these students are young adults the question should be asked why were they on a **** site Sean Cody at that. They should let him graduate.
watching **** is common and semi-acceptable to most people because everyone does it. Being a **** star is up there with prostitution, stripping, and selling drugs in terms of moral depravity. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with any of these professions (including selling drugs), but our society was founded on judeo-christian beliefs, and though it has progressed, still holds pretty strongly to those beliefs.
Originally posted by Josh
exactly. The question should be is if they're straight why are they on SeanCody.com?
That's the concern at hand imo.
Not because an LEGAL AGE MODEL is doing ****
I'm not sure where in the story they talked about the people being gay/straight? I thought they just found his video and expelled him. Schools have suspended kids over things they've said on Twitter and Facebook. It's not uncommon to reach outside of school boundaries to find wrongdoing.
Originally posted by P!nkism
Like i said he is not there to be a role model or an example for children. He is there to finish his studies.
And if children need good examples, they shouldn't be searching for his **** movies in the first place.
I agree, but children will always be seen as impressionable. I don't know, but if other children see this guy getting paid thousands of dollars for just twenty minutes on his back, and he starts wearing flashy clothing to school etc etc, maybe his peers could be influenced? idk
Originally posted by uhoh-ohno
Is that the case in gay ****, because fat, old men do straight ****?
Just browse Sean Cody and for that matter, 99% of gay **** sites and tell me how many old/fat guys you see. Unless those are the specific fetishes.