Welcome to
The TRL Archive from
ATRL. This is
the only place on the Internet where you can find complete and comprehensive archives
of recap,
records, and other statistics for MTV’s Total Request Live, spanning the entire 10 year history of the series.
Total Request Live began on September 14, 1998, and ended on November 16, 2008. We have the recap for all 2,247 episodes.

From the show’s premiere on September 14, 1998 until a format change after October 18, 2007, TRL kept track of miscellaneous statistics about all the videos that ever appeared on the top ten. Complete archives of those statistics can be found here, including lists of the show’s many
debuts, the
number ones, and
retired videos, specific
artist statistics, and our
record book of interesting facts.
If you'd like to learn about the history and roots of Total Request Live, we have more information
about TRL for your curious mind.