thE gaMe oF faIth
anOthEr oNe oF thE biGgeSt gAme In aTrl Has LanD!
thAt wIll GivE doUblE or EveN trIplE thE fuN fuN fuN!
whAt iS "thE gaMe oF faIth" All AboUt?
iT is ReaLly IndEed SouNd mYstEry At fIrsT, buT whAt iS reAllY unDerNeaTh aT thIs gAme?
EacH coNteNdeR tHat Are InvOlvE in ThiS gaMe wIll
GivE 10 Names of TheIr fAvoRitE arTisTs viA pm To mE, anY arTisT thAt yOu wAnt Is tOtaLly GuaRanTeeD to Be pArt Of thIs gAme As lOng As
tHat ArtIst Has RelEasEd aT leAst Two Or mOre AlbUms.
It dOesN't mAttEr iF yoU're
FavOriTe aRtiSt iS uNKnoWn, it'S thEir TimE to
ShoW thEir hIddEn SOngS thAt's wHy tHis GamE is MadE
juSt fOr yOu, tHat'S whY it'S caLleD "thE gaMe oF faIth." Of cOurSe mE, yoUr hOst In tHe gAme, The WinNer Of mY 2nd GamE "d vAniShiNg lEttEr,
mItcHie My cO - hoSt &
fiErcE onE of My sPecIal JudGe WilL alSo gIve An aDdiTioNal 10 Of ouR faVorIteS arTisTs tHat WilL be IncLudEd iN thE maSteR liSt oF yoUr fAItH.
iN caSe thE arTisT waS doUblEd oR evEn tRipLe eTc., oNly One Of tHat WilL be IncLudEd iN thE maSteR liSt.
One Of mY faVorIte ArtIstS is TayLor SwiFt tHen RazZle AlsO chOosE taYloR swIft As oNe oF hiS faVorIte ArtIstS alSo, tHen OnlY onE tAYloR swIft WilL be IncLudEd iN thE maSteR liSt.
aFteR alL arTisTs hAve BeeN gaTheR thEn i WilL giVe a SpeCifIc nUmbEr pEr aRtiSt tO coMplEte The MasTer LisT anD thEn dIstRibUte The MasTer LisT to My sPecIal JudGes. For EveRy rOunD eaCh cOntEndErs WilL chOosE a nUmbEr (iT caN be NumBerS in The UpcOmiNg rOunDs). sO exPecT a nEveR enDinG twIst As yOu eNteR thE mySteRy oF "thE gaMe oF faIth."
ExaMplE #2
ouT of 100 ChoIceS mr. DufF chOosE nuMbeR 99 anD thAt 99 iS daVid ArcHulEta TheN siMplY thE taSk iS to SenD a sOng FroM hiM. in SomE or In eVerY roUnd We wIll Be hAviNg a TheMe mAde By mItcHie. MayBe iN otHer RouNds We wIll Be aDdiNg tWisT to MakE it haRder And IntEreStiNg tO teSt yoUr fAitH.
thE roLe oF spEciAl jUdgEs:
ouR roLe iN thIs gAme Is tO giVe gRadEs bAseD on The TasK thAt hAve GivEn oR otHer TwiSt tHat WilL be AddEd aS thE gaMe gOes On, tHen We wIll Be tAllYinG thE scOreS anD poSt iT heRe. tHe bOttOm 2 tHat Got The LowEst ScoRes WilL be FacIng AgaIn tHe fAitH of JudGes. We, tHe jUdgEs wIll ChoOse One By oNe tHe pErsOn tHat WilL enD hiS joUrnEy bAseD on The GivEn tAsk, The PerSon tHat Got The MosT voTes WilL be BooTed Out In tHe gAme. So mAke SurE thE riGht NumBer And The RigHt sOng Or oTheR twIst ThaT wilL be AddEd.
yOur FaiTh iN thE gaMe iS toTalLy bEyoNd uNknOwn...
yOu mAde YouR owN chOicE anD yoUr cHoiCe iS yoUr fAitH...
adDitIonAl noTes
* TheRe wIll Be 2 iMmuNitIeS in EveRy rOunD unTil BefOre SemI fiNalS bUt tHe cOntEndEr tHat WinS thE imMunIty StiLl be OblIgeD to PasS thE taSk.
* tHe sOng tHat'S beEn uSed In tHe gAme CanNot Be lOngEr uSed AnyMorE, it WilL be ForBidDen To usE, it WilL be CatEgoRizE unDer BanNed SonGs.
* iF yoU haVe qUesTioNs iN yoUr mInd, Don'T be AfrAid To aSk mE, juSt pOst It iN thIs tHreAd oR pm Me.
* aLl tHe cOntEndErs MusT chOosE yoUr cOdeNamE in The GamE.
1. eTerU - "mr. Boy QuoTe" [tHen SenD viA pm To mE yoUr tOp 10 aRtiSts]
* iM noT prOmiSinG buT i wIll Do tHe bEst As i Can EveNthoUgh My cLasSmaTes SaiD thAt i Am jUst WasTinG my MonEy iN atRl bEcaUse Im jUst RenTinG buT atRl iS my 2Nd faMilY anD i lOve iT iN HerE, esPecIalLy mEetIng CooL neW frIenDs. i WilL prOmiSe tO maKe tHis GamE faIr aNd sMooTh.
* lEt's MakE thIs gAme MorE thAn AliVe aNd fUnk!
* To tHe cOntEndErs BesT of LucK!, leT yoUr fAitH guIde You To yOur Own TriUmpH!!!