RH - no
COAC - no
IAYL - no
BITT - no
HL - no
RR - no
Champion - no
RBMS - sure, except for maybe the rap part
Starships - no
PTA - maybe
Whip It - yes
Automatic - yes
BS - yes
MM - yes
YF - yes
FB - yes
GS - for sure
SH - no
VVV - no
Masquerade - no
Nicki raps on the majority of the pop songs, except for like Automatic and Marilyn Monroe. Does Rihanna rap? Nope.
Anyways I don't get why people are calling out Nicki's songs for this. The majority of popstars have multiple songs in their catalog that technically could of been done by any pop artist, but the particular artist that actually recorded it gave it that extra something special. I think Nicki is unique and gives her own flavor to her tracks, just like Rihanna, GaGa, or Britney.