jack19780605 [Random spam]
jacklees! [N/A]
Jackson5 [N/A]
Jacob [N/A]
JAIHO [Too many annoying or unsourced posts, too little time]
James2011 [Duplicate account]
jamesmax [Duplicate - loveintothelight]
Jameson [Bye.]
JameyDeadAsMyHair [N/A]
JameyDeadThisWay [N/A]
jams.to [Promoting your site]
Jamx [Spam]
Janet Jackson [Requested]
janyoung101 [registered another account]
Jason'Sco [N/A]
jasonc06 [unsolicited advertising via private messages]
jasons0101 [Definitely not ATRL material, take your nonsense elsewhere, bye!]
Jason`Sco [N/A]
Jawni [Disgusting racist thread]
jaycool [duplicate account.]
JayyBakerr [N/A]
JBD [Sorry, it appears like you have registered from a proxy server.]
jc111426 [Spam]
jean [N/A]
jenney [country given does not match IP address]
jennica [Wall spamming.]
Jennilicious [Dupe]
JerryFenty [N/A]
jerrymuzu [Spamming.]
JessieLou [Asked for ban.]
Jesusica [Bye.]
JLo_Fan [Bye Bye]
jnava [sumthintoxic82 and bobo82.]
Joachim [Duplicate Account]
joaoliveira [N/A]
JoeyTribbiani [dupe]
John [duplicate account (same IP address as "danny")]
John Bextor [N/A]
Johnny Biceps [wtf.]
johnnyredfern [N/A]
JonasMileyNLT [N/A]
Jordan. [You know what, too much of a troll. Just go.]
jorge_greenjortix [N/A]
jOsHcEd [N/A]
Joyx [N/A]
Joyz [N/A]
JRC [Suspicious account]
JSimpson22 [N/A]
JSparksMCarey [Duplicate account. You should know better.]
Ju Miguel [**** off.]
Jucke77u [thks fr th spm]
Judas [Hi Cherry, nice try sis!!!
judging you [Duplicate Account]
Judy Nunn [N/A]
juju [proxy server]
julesvel [N/A]
Jupiter [N/A]
JustenBeanss [N/A]
justforfun [I see you Haus of Judas]
justinbridou [Oh, come on, this is too easy. At least try to change the birth dates to make it at least seem like you're two different people.]
JustJosh [Explicit disruptive trolling]
JustLikePoison [Duplicate Account]
Justsaynotodrugs [N/A]
JYZ [Duplicate Account]
jz4jb [Spam]
K E L Y [Bored And You're An Annoying ****! Bye!]
K$Animal [Created multiple duplicates]
K.V [N/A]
k0rN [
K2thaEly [N/A]
k4s [N/A]
Kahe [Troll, won't be missed]
KaleI [multiple accounts, same IP address]
kankerlijk [Duplicate]
Kanye [N/A]
Kanye. [Nice try, keriihill.]
kanyewest12 [N/A]
kapooky9 [N/A]
Kapriz [duplicate account]
KASHAFIERCE [Sorry, we are not accepting new members at this time]
Katieheartxx [N/A]
Katsus Delegend [Dupe Account]
kayleen [registered another account]
Kelly Clarkson [Duplicate]
kellyclarkson [Repeatedly using explicit avatars]
Ken Dahl [spam]
keri-fan23 [N/A]
KeriHilsonKillGag [N/A]
KeriHilsonRules [****. OFF.]
kevinasturm [too much fighting]
kevinlucas [you've made me love celebs101.com this much
kevinpotter [spam...and it looks like a ripoff]
kevvybitch [duplicate accounts - Fantasy & britneyaddiction]
kewenlong [hmmm I can't imagine]
KeyshiaCole [Duplicate account]
KFMariah [N/A]
Kharma [Requested]
Khri$t [Duplicate of Ryanicorn]
kiara [Spamming is for permanently banned posters.]
kideze [spam]
kikiu56 [sure.]
KILL4LIyah [multiple accounts, same IP address]
killah4fun [Request of termination of account]
KillerBeatz [N/A]
Kim [Duplicate account]
kim.is.a.hoe [Duplicate Account]
Kingbilly [Spamming your flop youtube links]
KingEminem [Duplicate account.]
King_Jao_The XVI [Nothing but a troll.]
Kiss [Spam for another forum]
Kisses [N/A]
KissMahSwag [didn't answer registration question]
KittyPoo [Duplicate account]
kkillz [Spam]
Knix [Troll]
KnixIsIrrelevant [N/A]
knowles4ever [N/A]
KnowlesNation [Duplicate Account]
Komaland [Requested.]
Konichiwa [Self-requested ban]
KoreaBombGagaStan [N/A]
kras [more spam from newmusic.ua]
Kunt [Requested]
kyleaustin [Continued insensitive, offensive, and abrasive behaviors]
KyleCuttin [**** OFF]
Kyra [Request for termination of account]
Kythlo [N/A]
L0S VNGELES [Duplicate Account]
l4ith [User reached 20 warning points. BYE]
La G [Duplicate - troll]
ladnee [Spamming]
lady sovereign [N/A]
ladyavalon666 [you know why]
ladygaga [Suspicious account.]
LadyGagaFan [Duplicate Account]
LaH-I-M [Dupe Account]
Laila [You have been using ATRL to promote the same web site over and over. We call that SPAM]
Laine [Duplicate account]
lalo9409 [User Requested.]
LAMB1990 [N/A]
LambDahling [Duplicate account, nice try though!]
lampa [spam]
LanaDelSley [Spam]
LastBitchOnEarth [N/A]
LaToya [Duplicate Account]
LaToya Jackson [Duplicate Account]
Laughuntilwecry [N/A]
Lavenderblonde [If you want to make vulgar/graphic/explicit threads, then ATRL is not for you.]
lavymonster [N/A]
lawsowned [requested --- to be deleted]
lazer [spammer]
Lazers [User Requested]
Lazos [N/A]
LDYGG [Anthagio. Bye.]
Leader [3 duplicates... goodbye]
Leanne [Your old account, Golden Trigger, is unbanned.]
leebug [user requested --- to be deleted]
leftcoastluck182 [same internet address as another ATRL member]
legalprocess [N/A]
Legend [N/A]
Legendary Lovers [Having 4 duplicate accounts]
LEGENDB [Multiple duplicate accounts]
Leli Spears [stop cheating idiot]
lemuel23 [N/A]
lennord [N/A]
Lepa [N/A]
Let's Be Naughty! [Mr. Duff = you.]
LetItBurn [Requested.]
LetsPanic [N/A]
lewis.turrell [Highly annoying, pissing people off, trolling, a complete mess. Definitely not ATRL material. Bye]
Lewymocha [N/A]
Licorice [Troll]
Licorice Return [N/A]
Lies Detector [Duplicate]
Life [N/A]
lightmyweedmiley [Trolling]
Lights [N/A]
Lights Off [That is it. You are banned for life. You keep making new account? We will IP ban you. It's Ban-fest for you.]
Lil' Carter [really Selenator... not even hiding yourself well with your name in your signature]
lilcy [spam]
LilMonsterKills [Duplicate]
liltrencher [same IP address as existing member "zimmy", sorry]
Lilysuxx [Duplicate Account]
LioFu [Duplicate]
Lisa `وون Simpson [Die you psycho bitch.]
lisam [country given at registration (U.S.) does not match IP address (Pakistan)]
Lisus [multiple accounts, same IP address]
liteon90 [spam]
littlejhova [a bunch of useless threads]
Lizard Hand [N/A]
ljparel [Stupid troll, never come back]
lmdenholm [Sorry, we cannot accept your registration at this time]
lmno118 [spam]
Lolo_324 [N/A]
lolsies [Duplicate Account]
lolzjustinwat [Request for termination of account]
Lonƹ [Requested Permaban]
London [N/A]
LonelyGirl1122 [N/A]
lookin [N/A]
LoOsEr MeN [I'm sorry, you just don't understand how this works.]
Loruoo45 [N/A]
Lost Weekend [We asked you to change your avatar.]
Loud101 [Duplicate account. Your original account will be yours to access in three months if you obey the rules and do not sign up with another duplicate account.]
Louie's Alter-Ego [N/A]
Louiss [Stay gone, we don't need you posting explicit images!]
LouLiGa [You're gonna marry the night.]
LovaticsRecords [user requested]
love200 [N/A]
love4life1 [N/A]
lovebeijyo [SPAM]
loveintothelight [Duplicate - jamesmax]
lovely.me [Duplicate account]
Lovely3000 [Useless and annoying.]
Lovelymusic [Duplicate account.]
lovenjones [N/A]
LoveOnTop [Duplicate Account]
loverboy2009 [duplicate account]
lronclawbigun [spam]
Lucille [Adios!]
Lucky [Pinter, Edison, etc.]
LUCKYBOY [Duplicate]
Luke Brooks [N/A]
lulezpowa [N/A]
Luna [requested]
lupita [Duplicate]
Luvjem1988 [N/A]
luv_dc [N/A]
Lux Aeterna [Duplicate]
Lu_cas [Sorry, but your IP address matches with a user by the name of ah_leeex.]
lwb43626 [spam]
m-m-monster [N/A]
Mach [thanks for the message... now be gone!]
machine [What a loser]
Machuran [don't know who you are, but if you're just gonna send those messages then you are gone forever]
Madison Moopy [N/A]
Madison11 [N/A]
Madness [registered IP address is a proxy server]
MadRye [Helping you out of your misery since you don't like our forum.]
Maggie_Forbes [N/A]
MAGICALSELENA [You're obviously here only to troll. Definitely not ATRL material. bye]
Majesty [Duplicate Account]
MakeAWay [Duplicate]
Malchik Gay [Bye, Anthagio. xoxo.]
Mallory82 [just saying bye]
Manchs [User requested.]
Maniac [N/A]
manutd [N/A]
marctronico [duplicate account.]
MariahCarey! [Banned by popular demand as a duplicate account of JSparksMCarey]
Maroon1 [N/A]
marryholmes [appears to be a spam registration]
MartijnPOP [Duplicate account]
Masoral [cheating and having multiple usernames is bad
Masterpiece [IP address is a proxy, not from Australia]
MaxKills [Duplicate account]
MC1202 [N/A]
MC4ever [Smiley/candy333.]
mcadamja [spam]
McCartneyFanBoy [N/A]
mccrazyfan [causing constant trouble]
medpo10 [Requested.]
meetyoutoday [spam]
megadream20 [spamming ****.]
megan13 [she's a spameaterrrr]
megasoftcorp [Sorry, this appears to be a spam registration]
Meh_C [Duplicate account.]
MekDemDance [Okay, no. :-)]
Melancholic [Welp.]
Melodramatic [circus.co]
Mercedes [N/A]
MFan [registering multiple accounts]
MGary [N/A]
MHazing [N/A]
MichelleNotBey [Continued back-to-back bans.]
midiateca [N/A]
mikeh [N/A]
mikel [Sorry, we cannot accept your registration at this time]
miles [Rude, annoying, a flat-out troll. Oh and AlexandraStanFan duplicate]
miley is a ***** [N/A]
Milord [user requested to have account deleted]
mintyfresh [Suspicious email address (spam?)]
Mirajane [
Miranda Cosgrove [N/A]
Mirrorcle World [person asked for it]
missbey [OK yeah 50 posts of all caps and fighting and yelling, grow up girl. sry. bye]
MissKeriBaby [N/A]
MissXtina20 [Making everything about Christina]
Mister Gomez [Just couldn't wait the 30 days Navy? Now your permabanned]
MisterMannequin [Duplicate Account (Radio Phone)]
mitchtheman [endlessly starting controversy]
Mixirox2727 [N/A]
mixnbeats [N/A]
mjb_da_mvp [Annoying troll]
MJFan2009 [spam]
Mmlove [N/A]
mnofdichotomy [N/A]
mnop141 [spam]
MonikaP [user wanted account deleted]
Monkey37 [duplicate account; .:Allen:.]
MonsterLove [Our records show you already had an account at ATRL with the username "Willxw". We will restore that account instead.]
Monti [You're honest to a fault. Good for you.]
MontiIsSelenator [Duplicate]
Moon Shine [Can't live without this site? Wait for your 30 day ban period to expire]
Moonbaby [N/A]
Moonstruck [?]
moopmoop [N/A]
Moopy Ambassador [N/A]
moredivas [N/A]
mortt21 [Trying to sell on site]
mother teresa [Dupe]
MOUSE [Don't try that again.]
Mr. Aguilera [N/A]
Mr. Queero [
Mr.Carter [country listed at registration did not match IP Address]
Mr.Hassel1995 [registered another account October 19, 2010 (mrhassel)]
MrElektro [Dupicate]
MrFatale [Duplicate account.]
MrJacobCK [same IP address as "dudeperson00"]
mrmusic [Spammer.]
Ms Diva [N/A]
Ms.Bitchay [IP address matches existing member (Deuces)]
mukaww [Spammer]
Music 2005 [User requested.]
mUsIc Is My LiFe [JM4ever, Honda Civic, etc.]
music.is.my.soul [N/A]
musicb7 [N/A]
MusicIsPower [registering multiple accounts]
musicpop [spam]
Musicstyle [Sorry but you've got to go. Way too many pointless threads.]
Music_<3er [N/A]
musikfreak [Double account.]
Nabel [cheating and having multiple usernames is bad
Nadia [Duplicate account]
Namino [Cherry being Cherry...making ANOTHER duplicate account.]
NaNaNaComeOn [N/A]
natelikescats [user requested]
nate_deezy21 [N/A]
National Anthem [Duplicate]
Naturallee [duplicate account]
nav [Duplicate Account]
Navy [permabanned for being Mister Gomez]
ndonat2013 [User requested]
need2Blove [spam]
nenecangri17 [keeps ignoring mods and bumping threads]
NeonSebert [Requested - Have to sit out at least 1 month.]
New York [Only 1 account allowed.
newton01 [precautionary ban; could be a spam account]
Niamh. [registered another account]
nicelife2010 [spam]
Night by Night [Duplicate account]
niño [N/A]
niño.rocks [N/A]
nitrocell [N/A]
nitto [duplicate account: Shav]
NLD [Most of your threads are blog self-promotion or file sharing... I don't think this is gonna work out. Sorry!]
No Angel [Dupe Account]
NoImagination [N/A]
noodlerestaurant [Dupe]
NorMal [user-requested ban]
Nosferatu [Duplicate]
Nottheone [Dupe]
no_air2049 [multiple accounts, same IP address]
nsk [spam.]
NuncaPasePorAqui [Too much trouble.]
OB1 [spam.]
obamanique [N/A]
OCBoy [Dupe]
Oeelidu79 [SPAM]
Off to the Races [N/A]
OfficialJmacUser [JM4ever, Honda Civic, etc.]
ohjames [Duplicate]
OhYeahYouMad [Multiple duplicate accounts]
oid [Racist]
Okami [User requested to focus on school and personal matters]
okiam [Request for termination of account]
oldschool [Take your medication, Roman. Take a short vacation, Roman. You'll be okaaaaay.]
Omar [N/A]
Omarion♥Justin [8-)]
OMGArmond [Requested Permaban]
On Tour [N/A]
One [N/A]
OneInAMillion [N/A]
onetwothree [Sorry, you registered from the same location as another member that we previously banned]
Onyx. [Duplicate]
opisamra [Dup. Other account is open!]
opqr180 [N/A]
opqr575 [N/A]
Oracle [Duplicate account]
Orangeade [N/A]
Orleans [we don't want your flop site. No sir.]
OrricO [duplicate account/jumping ban:
Otaku [duplicate account]
oulee09 [SPAM]
Over Production [Stop.]
Overcome [Suspicious activity]
Owenm [Why are you even here?]
owinnn [Bye.]
oy16y [went off the deep end]
PaddyFilm [N/A]
ParaNoid.Skt! ] [duplicate account]
PaulMcCartney [Duplicate Account]
Paulu33 [Sorry, we cannot accept your registration at this time]
PawsUp4Gaga [Spamming.]
pcll [spam.]
**** Lube [N/A]
Peeta [Multiple Accounts]
Pencil951 [You've been given enough chances and ruined them all. If you keep coming back, you'll get banned immediately.]
Pepe-Toño [No thanks.]
Perez Hilton [N/A]
Peter Pan [N/A]
PeterJargon [honestly do you think you're gonna get away with this stupid ****? Spam.]
peteryo99 [spam]
petty hurts [N/A]
PheeMike [Duca - The next new account will get you a permaban on all accounts.]
Philip [Spam]
phinkgr8 [spam]
Photographs [Go away.]
PID [Bye.]
pilot [N/A]
pinksmistress [N/A]
PJStyles [Requested.]
pleasehelpme [duplicate account]
Poison [N/A]
Poison Ivy [Duplicate account]
poisoninjectme [Two accounts created. If there's an explanation for this, log in with your other account and click "Help" top-right corner, tell us about it.]
POP Ate My HeART [Duplicate account]
POPbaby [SPAM.]
PopeMiley [Trolling with useless/majorly disruptive threads]
popette [We do not allow spamming on this website. Bon Voyage]
PopGKM [Request to terminate account]
popolio [Request for termination of account]
Poppet [N/A]
PopsicleBoy [N/A]
poptopia [spam.]
POP_life [spam]
PortugueseDude [N/A]
pqrs729 [N/A]
Presidential [Duplicate Account]
pressure [IP address suggests a duplicate account]
prettymess [N/A]
Primordial [spam]
Prince Andres [Duplicate]
Princess G [Duplicate - troll]
PRISM GOD [Dupe of Legendary Lover]
PrismaticLover [Dupe of Legendary Lover]
prismnights [Dupe of Legendary Lover]
ProjectPusey [User requested]
ProudToBeCroat [troll]
PUCKERUPp [AUTOMATIC: Server detected duplicate account]
PulseBeat [Duplicate]
punisher99 [you're a moron]
purva gupta [duplicate vatsal sharma]
Pwig22 [Spam]
pyrorain [Seems like spam...]
qoo1009 [spam you are.]
qrst057 [I'm more of a silver person...]
qrst288 [Invalid registration]
Quarks89 [Dupe Account]
Queendonna [N/A]
Queenflopga [N/A]
Queenofpop [Duplicate account.]
queenofthesecne [Duplicate!]
Queen_Madonna [Dupe Account]
Queen_Perry [Requested]
r0bz1985 [dumbass]
rabbit09 [using proxy servers]
rachelfly123 [Duplicate]
Radio Phone [Duplicate Account]
RadioSmart [N/A]
Raelian1 [N/A]
raisedbywolves [Duplicate Account]
Rasberry The 2 [N/A]
RatchetBey [Dupe Account]
RatedJJ [N/A]
Rattla [We said "don't register another name", it's not that hard to understand!]
Raucous [N/A]
raucousbeccy [N/A]
Rawk [N/A]
ray [you asked to be banned!]
RayofRihanna [Accidental dupe]
Rayster [cheating and having multiple usernames is bad
Razorblade [HarrySapphire. Create any more new accounts and your main will be permabanned.]
reallyreally21 [Sorry, your registration matches the same IP address (location) as another member.]
Rebellion [N/A]
rec0ndite [Duplicate]
Reezy F. Baby [RileyFreeman, you were permabanned which means no more accounts!]
rehab [duplicate account. claims to be using a proxy.]
Renata [N/A]
renzokj [You don't understand how to post, and we tried to explain, and you ignored it.]
RespectAllTooWell [REQUESTED: If you change your mind, contact us via Twitter (@ATRLFeedback).]
Revamptionz [Nope.]
Reven8er [Admitted second account.]
rezland [Problem with IP address. Technical error -547. Please ignore the following message and register again.]
rhythm_outlaw [N/A]
richeeofficial [Troll]
Rihallah [Duplicate]
Rihanna4life [N/A]
RihannaDaily [Request for permaban]
RihannaFan4L [N/A]
RihannaForever [Name change.]
RihannaNavy101 [duplicate account (Rihdomination)]
RihannaRide [I'm guessing if the Admins wanted you here, they would have unbanned you. Not showing attitude, just reason]
rihannaroxxx [duplicate account.]
Rihdomination [You see him, right?]
RihGaga [Duplicate account.]
Rihlouder [Duplicate account.]
RihMark [Requested.]
Rikki [N/A]
RileyFreeman [You are the weakest link. Goodbye]
Rio [N/A]
riri488 [**** OFF.]
ririlurker [NSFW Spam]
RisusOra [Duplicate]
Rita Ora [Duplicate Account]
Rituioo669 [spam.]
Road To Hell [N/A]
roblees [no useful contributions, just posting the same thing over and over and over]
Robot [Excessive trolling. Not contributing anything worthwhile.]
Robotney [Troll]
Robunxel [N/A]
Rock & roll [N/A]
Rocker666 [User requested]
rockerboy [spam]
Rockroll [Constant Spamming... Goodbye!]
Rococo [N/A]
RodSpears [cheating and having multiple usernames is bad
ROHAN [AUTOMATIC: Server detected duplicate account]
rollingmanuel [self-requested ban]
Rom [user requested; tweet @Kworb for removal]
RomanceYourEgo [Requested]
Romaysae [Dupe]
Rondi [duplicate]
Rondo [Duplicate.]
rrgoodgirlgonebad [no puedes tener 2 cuentas en atrl, si registras otra seras baneado permanentemente]
rstu717 [spammer]
rstu923 [SPAM]
Rude Boy Flexxx [N/A]
Russian Roulette [Your old account, HarrySapphire, is unbanned.]
Rustie_Lee_2009 [N/A]
Rutru2170 [N/A]
ruveezmonster19 [N/A]
Rwilkins [posting the same thing over and over]
ryanjanuary [Requested]
ryan_angel [multiple accounts not allowed]
Rylan [Trash.]
RylanJames [Good riddance.]
saaby [N/A]
SaabyGaga [N/A]
Sakutaro [N/A]
Salcido_mp [N/A]
samantha stevens [GTFO]
Santiago [nice try, ugly.]
sara maria [N/A]
saraferre616 [User requested.]
SaraS [hick.]
Sasha4ever [Duplicate!]
SashaFierce [Duplicate]
sassy girl [Dupe]
sassybitch [Dupe]
sassyboy [Dupe]
Satan Soul [Duplicate Account]
Saturday [Pinter, Edison, etc.]
SaveTheHero [Duplicate account.]
Saxxy Princess [User Requested.]
saymyname69 [Duplicate account]
ScoopWA [You're done. DON'T COME BACK?!?!?!]
Scouxx [account deleted]
Scudetto [Pinter, Edison, etc.]
sd2000 [Requested Ban]
SeanHD [N/A]
Sebastian88 [N/A]
Selenator [Lunacy.]
seoceo2008 [N/A]
serbiagirl [Fake account (thequeen)]
Sergio [Dupe Account (Orfeo De La Lira)]
SexForYaStereo [N/A]
sexgirl2032 [Spammer.]
sexxxiserb [N/A]
sexyserb [N/A]
ShakeNBake [N/A]
Shakira [Duplicate account.]
Shakiraisback [Duplicate Account]
Shakiro [Duplicate account.]
Shakrypto [duplicate account; Raguabros.]
ShakTinaOnce_fan [Duplicate account]
shanana [N/A]
Shane! [N/A]
Shangela [N/A]
sharjas [N/A]
Shave-Me-Oprah [Dupe]
shawnlovesmusic87 [posting spam]
sheislegend [N/A]
Shewolf [suspicious account.]
shoes258 [Invalid registration]
Shy Ronnie [N/A]
signuhchurr [Spam]
SignUp [Duplicate]
sillygirl [Repeated spamming for photofiddle.com. Spam is NOT ACCEPTABLE on Popfusion. You are permanently banned; you may not post again and you may not register a new account.]
sillymau [Reporting users for no reason, even after being warned.]
SilverApple ["beysus" and similar names are not allowed]
silverbullet [
silverlight [Duplicate Account]
silversuxx [N/A]
SIMMMC [self-requested]
Sirens [N/A]
SixInchWalker [Duplicate Account]
Skin ["Gurl BOOM!" and such...]
skindeep [N/A]
skysound [N/A]
slave-me-oprah [User requested]
Slave4Britney [Wanted it deleted - Permabanned instead]
SlaveForCiCi [N/A]
slayer4xtina [N/A]
SlayMe [Dupe of Legendary Lover]
slaytina [user requested - deletion]
Sleeping Lithium [N/A]
Sleepwalking [N/A]
slimane12 [Harassment.]
Slippery8 [N/A]
****inizer [N/A]
Smiley [duplicate account.]
Sneakernight [N/A]
sneakersupplier [spam.]
Snorlax [You appear to have the same IP address as another member.]
snowball [clone]
Soda Kid [Bye!]
Soeloie40o [SPAM]
Soft Lips [Duplicate Account]
SolarFlare [N/A]
Solutionz [User has reached at least 20 warning points.]
Solutionzz [N/A]
Some Dude [obvious]
Someone Like You [Duplicate account.]
SongzYuuup [your new account, THELOVEKING, will be activated soon.]
SorayaM [N/A]
Sorrybutyouhadit [N/A]
SOS [User requested]
Sostupid [N/A]
Sovereign [This cherry's about to get squished.]
sparks132 [N/A]
Speak Now [N/A]
SpearsForever [Spam / troll]
SpencerStar323 [Nice Try, Tina Ann Fan.]
Spiritinthesky [Most of your posts have been advertisements for This Day In Music]
Spirito [N/A]
spirito01 [N/A]
Splinter [Homophobic]
Spratlys [spam / nonsense]
Srbija [One more dupe and you will be IP banned for good. (thequeen)]
ssupernike [Banned before, banned again.]
stans4rir [Nothin' but spam]
star12 [duplicate account]
Starlight [N/A]
starstruck52 [Duplicate Account.]
Starving4Xtina [N/A]
State of Dreaming [Stop coming back.]
stats_rock [N/A]
Stella [Troll]
Stelle [File sharing AND spamming at the same time? See you never.]
STILLXTINA [don't write in all caps]
Storder101 [Too much trouble]
Str0k€.My.B!g.€g0 [Suspicious account]
Strange [Swearing on the Admins Wall]
StrangerInTx [N/A]
Strawberry20 [Dupe account (MissXtina20).]
streamatecams05 [spam]
strikefirefall [User requested]
stuv249 [SPAM]
Summer Love [N/A]
Sunny Day [Duplicate]
SunshineRD [A waste of bandwidth.]
SuperboySwag [duplicate account]
SuperC [multiple accounts, same IP address]
SUPERN0VA [Sorry, you have the same IP address as another existing member. Please register again from a different location if you want to become a member.]
supernike [spammer]
supernova12 [N/A]
superperolas [spam.]
supersonic [User requested]
Supremeess [Dupe Account]
surfstyle [Idiot.]
suyafen [weird spam in every post]
Svetslana [Is Selenator dupe.]
SweetDreamer [N/A]
Swift55 [N/A]
synergy [user requested]
sztin10 [spam]
sztin105 [spam.]
sztin107 [N/A]
sztin108 [SPAM]