Something everyone always seems to forget is that you cannot compare album sales of different times to distinguish which artists is the better album seller. For example the #50 best selling album of the years: 1994, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 all sold more than the #3 best selling album of 2014. Tragic!!!
So instead of making a list of sales, I will make a points system where if an artist was the #1 best seller of a year they earn 59 points, if they were the #50 best selling artist of the year they earn 10. Anything after #50 gets 0 points. (I don't have info after 50.)
Formula: 50-position#+10
-the reason for the +10 is to give more credit to those who managed to chart than to those who didn't.
K. Starting @ #30 we have....
(for more details on how each person's points were compartmentalized , view the thread)