Originally posted by dussymob
I got bored with it. What's your username?
There isn't a username, just a friend code thingy. Mine is GDhM or something. I still have Vaan as my roaming warrior because the Soul Break I have equipped on him is an AoE non-elemental attack + chance to inflict Sap which is good for doing daily dungeons.
Originally posted by Lulu
My luck in FFRK SUCKS, so Im perched for another Lucky draw, still managed to get Yuna's aoe heal+ heavy regen weapon
Low-key jealous tbh. I don't have any of the AoE heal character soul breaks. The only one I have is Mystery Veil which is an AoE Cura with no additional effects.
Here's a list of my character relics though:
Sentinel Grimoire (Tyro FFRK)
Ice Whip (Rydia FFIV)
Gungnir (Kain FFIV)
Wing Edge (Locke FFVI)
Heroic Scarf (Mog FFVI)
Buster Sword (Zack FFVII-CC)
Shear Trigger (Squall FFVIII)
Oak Staff (Vivi FFIX)
Storm Staff (Garnet FFIX)
Butterfly Sword (Zidane FFIX)
Save The Queen (Beatrix FFIX)
Official Ball (Wakka FFX)
Guardian Targe (Rikku FFX)
Zwill Crossblade (Vaan FFXII)
Blazefire Saber (Lightning FFXIII)
Yoshimitsu (Thancred FFXIV)
Thyrus (Y'shtola FFXIV)