Disgusting **** better pray for redemption. Despite their best sabotage attempts, Queen Froslass still slayed the rate. Sorry you two have terrible taste, maybe if you could see the light that flop lion and portable fruit tree would've done better.
Mad that Froslass is better than your faves, higher tiered than your faves, better looking than your faves, more useful than your faves, more liked than your faves, more succesful than your faves, better typed than your faves, better movepool than your faves, more iconic than your faves and just a bad bitch in general.
I can just imagine the amount of people who will sabotage Sylveon in Gen 6 now ddd
That bitch is getting SLAYED! I'm so PRESSED I didn't know about this ahead of time, I would've given FroSLAYS a 10, Glaceon a 0-1, and Empoleon something middling, and Kween Froslass would have been sitting on ha throne