You tried but tbh it didn't even phase me a bit, especially cause I knew you edited the title. If the Wii Useless was gonna get it, it would've been in the Nintendo conference, cause clearly they needed some excitement in the press conference. A desperate mess. You stay obsessed with Slaydom Hearts
I may have finally been convinced by Nintendo to buy the Wii U.
As for the games I'd buy at launch...probably NSMB, Scribblenauts, and perhaps ZombiU, Marvel Avengers and Ninja Gaiden, if the reviews are good. I'll probably buy ACIII, but for the 360, not the Wii U.
E3 this year is kind of boring. I love Nintendo but the Wii U isn't interesting, and the games revealed are no big deal. Half of them will be on other systems.
The Microsoft conference was a big joke, Sony was lukewarm. Ubisoft was okay.
I don't know. Nothing I care for yet.