Are the scores and points going to be directly from the number of tangerine we dodged?
Let say I dodged 100 and two bad guys also got that too, so the total score for task 2 for Bad guys = 300 pts??
That's a lot compared to the other tasks. lol
Kt&t yes, the final score for task 2 is all 3 scores added up.
And the score.. are they points like the other tasks? The other tasks have a maximum and this one doesn't really have one, I hope we could get up to 600 points for task 2.
And the score.. are they points like the other tasks? The other tasks have a maximum and this one doesn't really have one, I hope we could get up to 600 points for task 2.
Ahahaha I was going to say that but you said it for now. Yes it's strange working the other team. But it's the final challenge and I'm happy to be a part of it.
Wow, the bad asses are already ahead in Task 4, that's already a win situation for us. Yes I'm a Bad Ass now