Lili gets hate because, like Alisa, she has no martial style that has any origins anywhere and is just a mess of flying legs and flapping arms coupled with random hand springs and cartwheels. At least Eddy Gordo is Capoeira, which can be researched down to it's history.
bump. The game is now out and stores are selling copies ahead of the street date.
Endings are now all over YT i have uploaded some on my tumblr check it out if you don't mind being spoiled.
Julia is much less dumb now that she's Jaycee but she's still kinda meh.
Also who even want it I am destroying in this game tbqh. What's y'all's PSN IDs so I can beat you up. Also Tekken Tunes is amazing Britney remixes on every stage who has time for other music???