^ Between last season and this upcoming season, Haikyuu will probably be my AOTY.
The Morose Mononokean: Decent, I guess. It was a hideous show visually, which sucks because the manga art is quite nice. Awful colors and gross CGI. And the sound issues were never fixed, the BGM is so much louder than the dialogue. It's beyond annoying to constantly change the volume so my ears don't burst. I liked this finale though, the additions to the anime made it very strong. I'm glad I watched this, I like the manga a lot.
Orange: I feel like this show is an example of how some manga don't translate well into anime, no matter how strong the material is. Orange was much easier to read than to watch. But, for all of Orange's problems writing and production-wise, this was a stunning finale. Extremely well executed, it made the watch worthwhile. I'm happy with how Orange ended up. Not a perfect show, but it was a real gem.
So happy to hear that Orange is getting a movie, following the POV of Suwa. Daddy finally getting the spotlight he deserves.