How did they possibly think it was a good idea to do the season this way. The male-male teams are going to dominate and the female-female teams will be embarrassing. Like... unless they make most of the challenges not require physical strength then they have a chance. I'm bored with pairs, hope they do teams next. And I'm tired of Bananas and Aneesa now.
Tony, his brother, Nany, her cousin will make the season more interesting. Poor Leroy, his cousin is trashy and a mess.. guess he didn't have anyone else he was pissed. Kelly Anne seems soooo tame now, remember how she used to drag Kenny and Johnny? Cara, Camilla, Corey are ok. I wish Jenna and her cousin left instead of those other girls, they seem like such airheads and weak.
Originally posted by Miles.
Ugh can we have a season without Bananas please? And Nany, and Wes.
And can they bring back Laurel?
"Cry your ****ing heart out you anorexic bitch! I want you to cry because you're WORTHLESS!"
OMFG this gave me so much life
Like it was kind of cruel (but deserved, Paula is trash) but I'm glad she stood up for her friend because they were doing way too much on Cara. I don't even know why everyone hated Cara so much. Laurel was one of the strongest girls in the game. She wasn't afraid and didn't get pushed around by the guys like every single girl ever. She knew she was good and proved it. Although she was annoying and mean at times, we need more girls like her, too many of the girls are push overs or weak. And I miss Queen Coral