Originally posted by musicb_/
^ Is that a Christmas wish? Why did you post that?
I was on Youtube and decided to want to see it. I love it!
Originally posted by superbitch!!
oh rico... if only she did this while on stage i think is very weird how in these videos she CAN DANCE but when she's on stage or in a music video is justt i luv her and everything but that's what i think.
Honestly, it's due to the differences. During that video she had Andre as her choreographer. Tour and videos she has whoever was hired. Not her personal choice. That's with the exception of "Womanizer" and "Circus", which "Womanizer" wasn't meant to be a dance video, while "Circus" had the most moves she's done in a while.
Originally posted by GreenRocks1
Great numbers for Britney!
This is without the Europe numbers, right? Do you think she has a chance to have the top female tour of 2009?
Without Europe and the other Australian shows. She'll be top female in the US (probably top artist), but worldwide I think it's Tina Turner, U2, or Madonna. Not sure, but she'll be Top 5.
Originally posted by stevensaurusrex
Just for curiosity: could Britney dance while wearing heels before (like, was she wearing heels during the VMA's 2001 performance)? I'm wondering if that has anything to do with her awkward floppish moves these days. I remember in For The Record her dad asked if she could dance in heels and she said something like "I'll find out." I thought she always danced in heels though...?
And then.....
...there's the Andre factor.
Yes, she danced in heels before but they weren't these big thick, basically, boots, that she wears now. They were actual heels.
What Alexz said is also a factor. Going years without training and then her body changing will hurt those skills. If she worked on it, she could get back into shape.