10: This is a fine spot for it. Maybe too high idk.
9: I'm shocked this got so high and that I gave it an 8.5 weird. I do like it, but I feel like it's like top 20ish as well.
7: A jam for sure and a great placement. Everyone I know listens to some remix of it for some reason but hey a way to get the song out there. And the remix is pretty cool too.
6: I'm very surprised this got so far as well. I really enjoy it as well, but it feels more top 15ish. Oh well!
5: My favorite song by them (and admittedly the only one I revisit) so I'm down for this.
4: I kinda wished it won but it got far!
3: Kinda thought it'd win, so this is a good spot.
2: A JAM love it.
1: I do like it a lot, but I kinda didn't want IO Echo to win and I'm surprised, BUT it's okay it's a good song.
I'm happy Skin Town as a band got the highest rating overall! I think that was because they were the newest for people and they were stoked to get into them. That's how it was for me at least lol.
Also not surprised of how the albums ended up ranking.
Giliap, thanks for putting on this rate! I enjoyed taking part and discovering these two new artists and their albums, with Skin Town being a great find. I'm sorry I wasn't as participative as I'd have liked to have been but the end of the semester is rough. You did a good job though and I'd definitely take part in another of your rates in the future!
Another random thing: I MET MS MR 2 years ago. Yep. I have a pic with them too. My claim to fame!