Discussion: What's your stance on...? #46: Organ Donation
ATRL Moderator
Member Since: 3/18/2009
Posts: 35,164
Originally posted by rickjay1990
I'm pro-life but I agree with what you say Nicole, I just can't at the ignorance ...oh yeaaahhh! let's **** a bit... oh my! I got pregnant!!!! cool let's abort!
Gah! Is that really how you think women approach having an abortion -- completely blase to the physical and psychological implications of the operation? It is an extremely difficult decision to have an abortion, but women make it because it is their best option.
ATRL Moderator
Member Since: 3/18/2009
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Originally posted by andresg770
It's not your fault that it doesn't work. But as an informed and rational consumer, you make the purchase and you use it being fully aware that it's not 100% effective (it's on the box!). Therefore, you should be fully prepared to assume the natural consequence of its failing; if not, then you just made an irresponsible decision. You can't spin it any other way. I'm saying nothing about whether or not they should or shouldn't do it; I'm just stating that their actions are still irresponsible, and that claiming ignorance doesn't take away any of their responsibility.
Certainly, but you don't use contraception with the intention of it failing. You use it because you don't to get pregnant. So if it does fail, there are only a few options for you: the morning after pill, an abortion, keeping the baby or carrying it to term and giving it up for adoption.
Member Since: 10/30/2008
Posts: 15,385
Originally posted by supaspaz
Gah! Is that really how you think women approach having an abortion -- completely blase to the physical and psychological implications of the operation? It is an extremely difficult decision to have an abortion, but women make it because it is their best option.
It's not my approach, that is actually happening, I read newspapers, articles and watch news... and basing on some comments in this thread... (I respect other people's opinions, I just have my point of view, abort = killing a life).
Member Since: 3/4/2009
Posts: 5,549
Oh how I love such threads.
Couple of years ago I would probably say that I am against abortion. But I think I've changed my mind.
I don't really feel sorry for those women...but I'm sure around 95% of the kids who were born, even though at some point their mothers considered abortion during the pregnancy, will grow up in a crappy environment, probably with a single mother.
No kid deserves to grow up in such an environment, so if the mother feels that she can't raise her child like needed, go ahead and abort the fetus; get your life in order and reproduce after that.
Member Since: 10/8/2009
Posts: 35,527
It depends on how far along the woman is IMO. The baby isn't actually a living baby at the beginning, for like 10 weeks or something, so I think it should be allowed. But after it becomes an actual living thing, I'm not so sure.
Member Since: 8/3/2006
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I'm not a woman, so therefore I really think it's none of my business. And even then, I have my own opinions on whats best for me, but that doesn't mean someone else should have to view or do the same.
We were all given the chance to make our own choices, I decide what is best for me and you can decide what is best for you. I just don't think it's fair to tell someone how they should live their life, let alone allow someone who has nothing to remotely do with you, have a vote on what goes on in your personal life.
If you don't know my name, know all I have been through, and more importantly, know all the thing I have done and seen, why do you think you deserve the right to make choices that impeded on the way I live my life. You live your own life, and I will live mine.
ATRL Administrator
Member Since: 6/29/2002
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Originally posted by TheGeoKing
Does it really matter if it is a human being at that point. It is 100% sure that the fetus will become a human being at some point, so if you get an abortion you are cutting a life short.
So do you oppose IVF as well? With IVF they make a few dozen embryos, select the best ones and implant those in the uterus. The rest "die" or they're cryogenically frozen for later use. Is it torture? Murder?
ATRL Contributor
Member Since: 9/24/2001
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I love this thread and this is a great, hot-button topic, but onto the next one please
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Member Since: 11/24/2009
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Originally posted by supaspaz
The fetus inside a woman's body is not a human life, it is developing into one. So why does it suddenly take precedence over the fully developed human life of the woman (who is the one being most affected by the situation anyways)?
It's human. It's alive. It's a human life.
I find it funny that women who WANT to keep the baby always say things like "it takes two to make a baby, etc. etc." but when they DON'T WANT it, forget about the guy, forget about the baby, suddenly the pregnancy is all about them.
My reason for being pro-choice: if you were a dumb irresponsible **** who got unintentionally pregnant, then you're gonna be a dumb irresponsible **** raising a child you don't want, so might as well have an abortion and not give it a lifetime a misery.
I'm so right-wing, that post gave me Ann Coulter vibes.
Member Since: 1/14/2007
Posts: 6,202
Pro-choice but except in circumstances of rape or mothers life in danger, it should not be covered under health insurance.
Member Since: 10/7/2009
Posts: 4,752
I'm pro-choice.... but at the same time I feel like if you get pregnant you should have the baby and give it up for adoption vs killing it. But then you think of rape victims and such and abortion seems to be the most reasonable answer.... IDK.
But like I said, pro-choice. It's your body and your baby, you should be able to decide what you want to do...
Member Since: 4/23/2007
Posts: 6,845
pro life.
killing your baby will never be a choice.
Member Since: 10/3/2009
Posts: 35,844
To begin, I'm glad this kind of threads are being opened on ATRL, it lets see different points of views of what people think about one issue in particular. I'm sick of threads full of gifs and stupid things. Along with the ATRL psychological portrait thread, I would consider this as another favorite thread of mine, keep up the good work GeoK.!!
I've touched this issue last month on my writing course and I had the oportunity of analyze it a little bit. First of all, it depends a lot on where you live and how things are taken on that country. In some countries, for example, women are just people in charge of bringing children to the world and after that, it's all about playing a role as a mother. In other cases, like many countries of America and Europe, both men and women have the same rights and women have now more freedom to choose what to do with their lives, something I think it's totally normal.
Because of that, I think women should be able to decide what to do with their unborn children, as supaspaz mentioned, "The fetus inside a woman's body is not a human life, it is developing into one." So, I think the women should have the right to decide whether or not she wants to have the baby. I consider unfair the fact that some depraved men rape a teenager and leave them pregnant, eliminating any plan of life of the girl for the future, without any possible solution.
In the other hand, I'm aware that some women just don't care of that and think that having sex it's a game and it has not consequences, and when it's the time they get pregnant and their children born, they either abandom him/her or become abusive mothers. Creating, in most cases, children with psychological disorders or gangsters.
Member Since: 6/16/2010
Posts: 19,686
I personally would never get an abortion.
But I do understand why some people would, for example if the baby had a genetic disorder that would give it very poor quality of life or if the woman is raped and becomes pregnant from that BUT I think if you are havin consensual sex then you have to be aware of the possible consequence and be prepared to deal with it as a couple. There is a reason why sex is considered by many to be a big deal, bringing a kid into the world is a big deal and if you are grown up enough to have sex you should be grown up enough to bring up a child.
Member Since: 1/16/2010
Posts: 17,698
I'm pro-choice but only under good reason like victim of rape or life-threatening, much like some of the people have said.
Member Since: 6/14/2010
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Member Since: 8/16/2010
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I don't understand why some people see pregnancy as a punishment that should be "dealt with." If that's the case then why not just take it a step further and ban all contraceptives? Hell, why not just ban sex altogether except for those who are 100% sure they want a baby at the moment.
Honestly, this whole argument comes down to whether or not you consider a developing child a human life. Some people do. Some people don't (including me). There will never be middle ground achieved on this issue because of this, unfortunately.
But I agree, new topic.
Member Since: 9/24/2010
Posts: 5,999
It's a womans right to choose but this topic is really heavy