Is there any proof of what Morrissey is saying though, 'cos honestly Rhino skin doesn't seem appealing to make fashion accessories, regarding his comment Rhinos as a whole aren't near exctintion but almost all of the sub-species are critically endangered
Javan Rhino: fewer than 50
Sumatran Rhino: Fewer than 200
Borneo Rhino: Around 30
Northern White Rhino:
Only 7 left
Black Rhino: Around 4,500
Great One Horned Rhino: Less than 3,000
Southern White Rhino: Around 20,600
The last Vietnamese Javan rhino was killed for it's horn and exctinted in 2011
Such a beautiful rhino gone forever
They are usually killed for their horns rather than their skin but the saddest part is they could live without their horn if it's removed properly since it's made from keratin (just like our nails) so they would regrow in a year, I honestly think Morrissey is being extra with his comment though, the blame is more on chinese traditional medicine where it's believed that this horn can cure things like fever for example (can't you just take a ****ing aspirin?) nothing is medically proven of course. It's really sad how such a beautiful animal is being driven to exctintion 'cos of something as stupid as myth and rumors.