Here, in a nutshell, is the truth about “Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz”: This album is not very good — and what makes it even worse is that it’s by Miley Cyrus.
Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz ends up a collection of fleeting engaging moments sandwiched between a slew of half-formed musical ideas.
in her defense wasn't it just demos. I dislike miley but I thought it was super cute of her to release some free music to her fans as they wait on a polished album. just my thoughts
in her defense wasn't it just demos. I dislike miley but I thought it was super cute of her to release some free music to her fans as they wait on a polished album. just my thoughts
She wrote and produced sll the songs with mike will and the flaming lips. Yeah its cute like what popstar does that? yet some people dont apreciate it
Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz is long and slack, stretching many of its 23 songs out of meager ideas, and puts raw faith in the weird or the nonvarnished, as if she had just recently discovered those concepts.