The same way it's hypocritical for monsters to drag Madonna for being unclassy and rude, and to then get their kiii's from some weak, ageist comment by the man who helped create Highway Unicorn. Y'all need to get it together.
But why? I'm interested in discussing this double standard with you. Unless, of course, you recognize it and cower from it, which is what I suspect is happening here.
On the contrary. At least Dr.Luke is the one that produces all of the songs that seem to sound similar to you. Born This Way sounds exactly like Express Yourself, was produced by a different set of producers, and wasn't she opened up for a lawsuit?
The same way it's hypocritical for monsters to drag Madonna for being unclassy and rude, and to then get their kiii's from some weak, ageist comment by the man who helped create Highway Unicorn. Y'all need to get it together.
This entire thread just proves that the whole of ATRL needs to get it together, but I suppose that won't be happening anytime soon.
The same way it's hypocritical for monsters to drag Madonna for being unclassy and rude, and to then get their kiii's from some weak, ageist comment by the man who helped create Highway Unicorn. Y'all need to get it together.
The same way it's hypocritical for monsters to drag Madonna for being unclassy and rude, and to then get their kiii's from some weak, ageist comment by the man who helped create Highway Unicorn. Y'all need to get it together.
Waiting for Madonna's team to come back with something twice as hard hitting.
Lady Gaga has it coming for her now with such an immature and disorganized team.
Madonna hates on who are threats to her but she still feels superior too.
Madonna loves whom she pities and knows could never touch her legacy.
Madonna doesn't even mention the one whose talent, class, perfection, beauty intimidates her.
Madonna has a sort of a trinity-esque way of thinking and reacting to her peers.