And for the record it's not my job to tell members what to post in my thread I'm not a mod they not going to listen to me if you can't simply warn someone or give them a reminder than you should not be a mod it's really that simple.
– Use the thread to report threads or posts – Argue with moderators after being given an answer
– Post or discuss PMs you have received from other members
– Post a query or complaint more than once (send a help request if you need an answer)
ATRL HQ is the place to talk about what's happening on the site. If I'm not mistaken, promoting a rate is ok.
You are a bit mistaken:
Here you can:
– Discuss and ask questions about ATRL's rules
– Discuss changes to ATRL or suggest new changes
– Request threads to be closed, merged or opened
– Request other minor things that only the moderators can do for you
– Ask questions about ATRL in general
– Discuss other things that are happening on ATRL
While this is a fairly casual thread, it’s not meant for excessive general banter that you may find in Random Thoughts.
Hi! I'm trying to make the Hot 100 Chart Runs Thread OP a bit more organized and official but I've run out of room in the OP. I was wondering if someone could help me get the second and possibly third post so I can finish it!!!
Why do I see an upright rectangle with numbers when James Maslow posted above,
same thing when P2z quotes him, but when ARTPØP quoted him, I see two question marks?
Why do I see an upright rectangle with numbers when James Maslow posted above,
same thing when P2z quotes him, but when ARTPØP quoted him, I see two question marks?
What does this all mean?
Artpop edited his post. When you edit a post which has emoji's from a phone it replaces them with �.
Let me remind everyone in here, if you think you're going to try and be funny by posting explicit and vulgar gifs in here you will instantly be permabanned.