This is not a troll vote. I genuinely love Decode more than Don't Speak. It doesn't deserve to go this early tho
RULES (Don't Erase This)
- Save 1 song
- The last song remaining will be eliminated, while the other 2 return to the game
- You can save your song
1. Kai Tai - No Doubt - Don't Speak #5
2. Kai Tai - No Doubt - Don't Speak #4
3. Kai Tai - No Doubt - Don't Speak #3
4. eteru - Imagine Dragons - Demons #5
5. Loghen - Paramore - Decode #1
6. eteru - Imagine Dragons - Demons #1
7. Loghen - Paramore - Decode #2
8. Loghen - Paramore - Decode #5
9. eteru - Imagine Dragons - Demons #2
10. eteru - Imagine Dragons - Demons #3
11. eteru - Imagine Dragons - Demons #4
12. Loghen - Paramore - Decode #3
13. Loghen - Paramore - Decode #4
Lists Songs:
Kai Tai - No Doubt - Don't Speak #1
Kai Tai - No Doubt - Don't Speak #2