I'm re-watching the series just to brush up on details I might have missed before I was actually deeply involved with the series, and the Red Wedding still leaves me with anxiety. What an epic scene!
PeterSansa 35%
King Jon 32%
Daenerys 32%
Cercei 1%
Cercei's constant floppage
Wow i'm surprised Cercei flopped so much. Like the other 3 are so close. I guess people were voting with actual politics in mind rather than voting for fave characters.
Danaerys is the worst Game of Thrones character. She has the least character development out of every single person in the series aside from Joffrey, who was intentionally one dimensional. I'm half way through season six and her entire character arc is just recycled plots from past seasons. Cersei does despicable things, but at least she isn't a Mary Sue, white savior, one dimensional, and a bore.
Danaerys is the worst Game of Thrones character. She has the least character development out of every single person in the series aside from Joffrey, who was intentionally one dimensional. I'm half way through season six and her entire character arc is just recycled plots from past seasons. Cersei does despicable things, but at least she isn't a Mary Sue, white savior, one dimensional, and a bore.