I was what RL calls a server assistant (SA) which is basically a busser. The past couple weeks I've been doing training days with servers and Monday I did almost all the tables by myself but the next day I go in they're gonna follow me and I have to do everything by myself. Then I have to serve the management team dinner and when I pass I'll officially be a server. They have a super long process and they make it more complicated than it is.
I was what RL calls a server assistant (SA) which is basically a bussy. The past couple weeks I've been doing training days with servers and Monday I did almost all the tables by myself but the next day I go in they're gonna follow me and I have to do everything by myself. Then I have to serve the management team dinner and when I pass I'll officially be a server. They have a super long process and they make it more complicated than it is.
I was what RL calls a server assistant (SA) which is basically a busser. The past couple weeks I've been doing training days with servers and Monday I did almost all the tables by myself but the next day I go in they're gonna follow me and I have to do everything by myself. Then I have to serve the management team dinner and when I pass I'll officially be a server. They have a super long process and they make it more complicated than it is.
Doesn't sound too bad. Just do what got you $200 in tips and you'll be fine.