Originally posted by RaeseanLohan
Oh so she did 600k WW? Isn't that less than her US first week with BTW? But I suppose that doesn't matter, she doesn't care about charts.
It's one thing to be proud of your achievements and it's another to be on Twitter sayings "Why in the hell didn't I go #1" and acting all depressed and just going out of control because you didn't reach what you were hoping and striving for.
She sold 600,000 unites WW and shes re-tweeting because it's an achievement. People need to stop acting like shes chart crazy only because she re-tweeted a POPULAR site that posted about her achievement especially after everyone's been calling her a "flop" to her face.
EVERY ARTIST cares about their albums being sold and charts to some extent, but she said she doesn't WRITE for the charts meaning she doesn't manufacture her albums to fit hit single worthy material meaning she doesn't sit there and search for the next huge hit she can find ala Rihanna and some of these other pop stars who have filler galore on their track listings besides the main smashes which the album was based around.
You sis, can take multiple seats.