Originally posted by mdnazn
Heterosexual pop girls, that ATRL love so much, do this all the time yet ATRL has no problem with it.
Why is it a problem if Mr. Ocean is supposedly doing it?
Because ATRL is....I have a problem with it myself and don't love any of those girls.
It shouldn't be a problem to most of ATRL, but the ones mentioning how he's doing it probably also have a problem with those girls. And the certain people are not coming in here to gut him for him selling his sexuality, they're in here because of a racist hashtag popping up due to the community he ignored not reporting on him.
I like Frank, Madonna likes Frank. Racism is real in our community, but it has little to do with the gay community not reporting on his album. RuPaul and Beyoncé are staples in our community, constantly reported on, RuPaul for what he does and Beyoncé because she's a talented diva.