Originally posted by Ichinaru19
Here let me put it like this. You either destroy the natural life in a small confine area or you just destroy the land everywhere. This is besides building large buildings this is about the planet in a whole. Anyways why are we even bringing wealthy people into the picture? It is almost irrelevant to the topic. Cities are trying incorporate more parks not for the animals but for the people because as humans we still want to be connected to the environment. Do you honestly think that parks will help the ecosystem? It really doesnt.It just acts as a little island of human development that is cut off from the rest of the wildlife.
I see what you are saying, however, the environment doesn't just signify the space being taken. It contains the environmental impact that the building will have on the surrounding area, including the people. China is already known for being extremely polluted. This building is being constructed efficiently, but the result is still extremely inefficient when it comes to power regulation and water consumption.
The ecosystem, in the way I used it, refers to the interactions between humans in a natural space. It contains the flow and distribution of life. In this case, parks do help the ecosystem by spreading the population over a larger expanse of land. People need green space to form a break between dense clusters of human activity. It has nothing to do with wildlife, although I assume the increase in pollution will only further destroy the pretty river that the building sits on.
Wealth has everything to do with it. Wealthy people have the means to obtain more space. They own more space. In fact, this building just throws more space into their collections and takes away potential space for those who share a two room apartment with an entire family. You are absolutely not helping the people that are negatively impacted by overpopulation. That is why this whole myth of "build up b/c overpopulation" is only hurting this community. A more practical approach to overpopulation is to create more affordable housing complexes (not this).