1. Ray Bass -----> BOMBED!
2. Sunderland 4ever -----> SAVED
3. Remember -----> SAVED
4. iputrecordson -----> SAVED
5. tell_me_a_lie -----> SAVED
6. Mzd -----> SAVED
7. DJ Wolff -----> SAVED
8. Regina George -----> SAVED
9. Monkey -----> SAVED
10. Beyoncé on Top -----> SAVED
11. Razzle -----> SAVED
12. Mickey -----> SAVED
13. Mr.Link -----> SAVED
14. josh_923 -----> SAVED
15. Radiance -----> SAVED
16. iLukey -----> SAVED
17. SIMon1120 -----> SAVED
18. fiercE -----> SAVED
19. Skyian -----> SAVED
20. MusicLoverDude -----> SAVED
The Bomb Number that Vatsal chose is 1
We Say goodbye to Ray Bass
Waiting for Vatsal choice of number, then we move on to round 4
Good LUCK!