Dustox Scores
10 - Reeawna, G.U.Y, NumbFentyStan, Hunter_13, Mr.Link, Jessie Mulay, HausofNiko, AbeHicks, DTF, coolcristobal, Mimie, IconicFlop
9 - βØΔ, t.A.T.u, ininja3g, Navyofbadgals
8.5 - Subomie
8 - Fenrir, Danixoxo, Aciid, Rihlana
7.5 - Kots
7 - Kxvk, cuneytb, aayAlex, touchofmyhand, PoKiTaurus, RihannaRTT, ceremonials, liberalmusiclover, Shendelzare, Citrus, bluth, lightstheyblindme, Scotty, Losing my ground, Hurem, Suilen
6 - SomethingSweet, castle13, I'm JAVIng Fun, Lord Gaga, Rhisiart, Eeeveelution
5.5 - Staryu
5 - AMIT, LovaticSwiftie, Veis, Alongoria13, !Blue!, Alejandrawrrr, jpow
4 - borntodiethisway, Ivan, TaggedGalaxy
3.5 - Robbyyy
3 - Tom Vercetti, Popboi.
2 - Speezy, sunny phoenix
1 - Harrier, Temporal, Topmaster 2, BubbleGomme, DripDrip, ColdKeane, Icannot, Sky Engineer, A Bomb, Hugamari, Elliot, PhreshDiamond, PinkBox
2013 Position: #90 (+21)
Fat moth icon, love her design from the eyes to the antennae to the chic, 70s wings. She always looks so happy too. In terms of usability... she's an early game bug. That's all I have to say. I actually used one once and found her semi-useful, especially for the second gym. Obviously she gets quickly outclassed, but she can be fun to play with even into the mid-game.
Also Jessie's Dustox was an icon, the tears shed in her release episode... whew. Let me stay composed.
DripDrip sabotages her as she "feels like Phresh would like it", while
Phresh sabotages a poison sis out of pettiness, even though he gave ****ing Gulpin a three. Get taste ***.
A Bomb calls it a "useless evo" and
AbeHicks opens himself to shade, "I like Dustox. People say I have no taste but I do like this one." Power to you.