Originally posted by onna
I'm thought that was during the Can't Be Tamed era??? I guess he said she was immature or unprofessional. Anyway maybe she's grown since then because I really want her to work with him at least on a song or two
It may have happened during the Can't Be Tamed era as well, but when she was under the manager before Larry(Brad I think?) he didn't really do a good job of "managing" her and keeping her remotely in line for professional work, so she went into a meeting all ****ed up and he left the room in rage apparently.
Originally posted by HotDamnMiley
It was in 2012 during that transition period before she signed with Larry if I remember correctly.. I know she was supposed to record Let There Be Love by Xtina (I believe she also recorded Neon Lights)
Exactly what I'm talking about. It was during the period she was just switching up management and all that.