Off topic I know, but I mean, am I wrong about this?
Just because the majority shares a certain view doesn't make it logically sound. If everyone just accepted societal realities as un-challengable truths, we'd STILL be living in those times when women were expected to wear dresses and stay home. Because that, too, was once a world-wide accepted reality.
The misogynist implications don't come simply from women wearing masculine clothing. It is misogynist when women are entitled to all the social luxuries of males and even called "empowered" for partaking in them, but when a male decides to make use of a "female" luxury (for example, to be fashionable or to be emotional) he is called feminine in the most demeaning way possible. This type of thinking stems from misogyny, because the idea behind it is that the embodiment of masculine traits in either sex is something admirable while the feminine traits are inferior and therefore only acceptable for the "inferior" sex (women). The problem isn't the idea of gender norms, it's the current HUGE disparity between the two sexes in terms of freedom of expression and how narrow the western idea of masculinity is vs. the increasingly widening idea of what is considered feminine.
You're acting as if men have already reached the absolute height of femininity and one step further could only be the extreme example of "sprinting around town in a mini-skirt, lip gloss and heels" as you put it (nice try) . For example, in some countries it's acceptable and not uncommon for men to dye their hair and wear moderate makeup like foundation or even eyeliner - and guess what? Their societies still function and there are still societal differences between men and women - mostly the inherent ones. The idea that "makeup is ONLY for women" is indeed cultural and indoctrinated - the fact that some societies (currently and historically) feel differently about it is all the proof that you need. The rules for men don't have to be as strict as they are right now in the west. If truly most men feel more comfortable being stoic, unfashionable and brutish - then that would still be their choice to make, but a man who chooses not to conform to that that set of ideals shouldn't be ridiculed any more than a woman should for not wearing a dress and being dainty all the time.
Btw for when y'all see the thing about SHINee's hybrid remix thing - it's not news for Sm. TVXQ's Trick album track and subsequent single series; look it up.
At least he cute tho. & he is not understanding my English wtf. My english is good
what is goin ON. I think he is shading me with all those "...." at the end of his sentences.
At least he cute tho. & he is not understanding my English wtf. My english is good
what is goin ON. I think he is shading me with all those "...." at the end of his sentences.
At least he cute tho. & he is not understanding my English wtf. My english is good
what is goin ON. I think he is shading me with all those "...." at the end of his sentences.