I hate youuu ugh
that's like 32 bucks here though.
If someone else doesn't do it first i'll upload the ALAC version of Lies 4:02 for you, though it won't come til like...next week probs because I got the cheapskate postage.
Plus, the first warning made me kiiii so much cause how many singles did nicki need to have before actually reaching the top 10? Wasn't super bass the first top 10?
Anyways, thats off topic.
Will Marina get that top 10 finally with primadonna tonight
The deluxe is now at 8 on UK iTunes, with the standard at 19!
If those aren't higher by the time I wake up imma be disappointed in my own country
its only a few hours thats its been out right? I am sure she will get those sales... It will be higher hopefully! Hows primadonna doing? is it still struggeling to hit top 10? And what about ireland?