Originally posted by CroNich
Really? Look up Ke$ha on Yahoo answers
Yahoo Answers, especially the pop/rock music section where Ke$ha-related questions are usually being posted, consists of arrogant cynics and no-lifer trolls ONLY, literally almost exclusively. The few reasonable and actually helpful answers are far, far in between.
(I drop one every now and then to even the odds a little bit at least. And waddaya know, just for that alone- something which one should be able to expect from everybody answering questions there- I have 35% best answers. lol)
Yahoo Answers is not representative of the general public imo. THANK GOD it's not, because if it was.... omfg, absolute nightmare. :-p
Hooray for the tweet from Doctor Luke!!!
I was so glad to read this. Now we know that everything's fine and they're working on new stuff by now. I can wait no problem knowing this now, I personally really just want the new album to be what Ke$ha wants it to be, however long it will take her (as long as it's less than 4 or 5 months, haha).
People forgetting about her? So what if they do. They'll all remember her once she's back. Before Tik Tok nobody knew her at all. That will clearly be different when she releases her next single, no matter how long it will take her, and who says she can't do it again anyway?