Chanel, you need to drop that group of friends like a surprise release. I'm sorry you've had to deal with just toxic relationships for the past year. Regardless of what connections you had in the past, emotional and verbal abuse is not a joke. Maintain your friendship with that one girl if you wish, but I'd otherwise move on.
My senior year sucked because of moving and circumstance, but it made me realize how little social connections in high school ultimately mean. It is never worth spending your time surrounded by constant negativity. I'm about to start my freshman year of college, and almost every person I've met or talked to from the school seem leagues better than most of my high school classmates. Just hang in there for another year sis, and find a plan that suits you for after graduation.
Don't hesitate to post on my wall or PM me if you ever want to talk or just vent. It will always be there.