Originally posted by Stepfon
People are quickly figuring out Shelly's game, she won't be in the house much longer.
Lawd.. basically everyone is screwed then.
The only one's that really aren't at the moment are Adam and Lawon.
Lawon just throws every competition and Adam is up right now, but isn't the target. also it still hasn't been announced if the POV has even been used yet.. that's the deciding factor on basically anything. If J&J go up, then we can already predict the two senerios that will go down without even knowing who the HOH is.
Also, remember that the teams are 99.9% being split up on Thursday. 4 people will have no partner and they're not just gonna put them with someone else. I believe Julie said two episodes ago that there's going to be something going on that will make people re-think their strategies. As well as the fact that the HOH apparently will be an endurance once, Brendon will likely slay and will still be in the running. Dani is a competitor, obviously, but we haven't seen anything from her now.. times change and she's playing a good social game but have her good competition skills stayed with her through all these years? The first competition she did good but that's basically because everyone else did bad and Dick & her fell like rocks over a deal with Rachel.. who knows what could've happened if they declined.