If the format is anything but pairs again, then it could reconcile the lackluster theme. I'd rather not see more
Are You The One? people, but for the most part, this list of vets looks respectable. My qualms are:
Jay Gotti & Charley Gotti (Brother)
Jenna Compono & ToryAnne Campono (Sister)
Priscilla Mendez & TBD
You can't be serious.
Zach Nichols & Daniel Nichols (Brother) /Jillian Nichols (Sister)
After the way he acted last season, he really should be dropped or at the very least, take a hiatus from the show. I don't know why people would be down to see him again. Even if you block out his latest appearance from your memory, the show already has enough douchebaggery running amok.
Johnny Devenanzio & Hannah Teter (Girlfriend)/Brother
CT Tamburello & Faith Brown (Diem's Sister)
Both look like blatant attempts to get the "favorites" back for another season. At this point, I'm sure there's no way around Bananas, but CT being paired with Diem's sister makes me feel a little uneasy. Does CT even want to come back to
The Challenge?
Dustin Zito & Victoria Zito (Sister) /Josh Quayhagen (Brother)
Jessica McCain & Brother
Both should be dropped, as they both failed to make a splash in more than one season. Plus, Dustin and his baggage is so tired, while nobody's here for Jessica.
Emily Schromm & Amy Schromm (Sister)/ Michelle (Girlfriend)
So she wants to return? I'd rather her not, because her basically being the bionic woman puts the other girls at a severe disadvantage, and she's not really that compelling to watch.
Rumored Availability Calls:
Ashley Mitchell
Emilee Fitzpatrick
Declined Availability Calls:
Bruno Bettencourt
Marlon Williams
Frank Sweeney
Wes Bergmann
Nicole Zanatta
Arielle Scott
Jamie Larson
Jenny Delich
Heather Marter
Ashlee Feldman
Jemmye Carroll
Jonna Mannion
I don't get why they bother to call people who refuse to participate, or participate any further (Bruno, Frank, Arielle, Jemmye). What's the deal with Marlon, Nicole, and Jamie? I would really like to see Jamie again, the other two I don't care about. Heather is a lost cause. Isn't Jenny pregnant? And doesn't Jonna not fit the theme? Like, she isn't a committed relationship with anybody and doesn't have any siblings (as far as I know).